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Specimen Terms and Conditions

Specimen Terms and Conditions

01 Jun 2016

Model Terms and Conditions of Business are offered by the Society to save members’ time but they are optional, here to use if you wish to.  The Customer Services Committee has been working with Essex Trading Standards to review the...

Smiling faces for Congress 2016 Prize Winners

Smiling faces for Congress 2016 Prize Winners

23 May 2016

With almost 30 prizes in the VISA scheme run as part of the Congress exhbition, six groups of winners in the fancy dress competition and the presentation to the Poster Competition winner,  smiles...

BSHAA Congress a hit with delegates and exhibitors

BSHAA Congress a hit with delegates and exhibitors

16 May 2016

Congress 2016 – the annual conference of the British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists – was a hit according to both the delegates and exhibitors.  The two day event on May 13th and 14th was...

Invisible ultrasound can be a cause of tinnitus

25 Apr 2016

New research at a UK university, says people are being bombarded with ultrasound without their knowledge and it may be causing tinnitus.   The research has been conducted by the University of Southampton and it suggests that...

Less than four weeks to BSHAA Congress

Less than four weeks to BSHAA Congress

18 Apr 2016

It’s the fourth time that Congress has been held at the East Midlands Conference Centre, in the beautiful grounds of Nottingham University but it’s the first time that support for the exhibition has been so strong that it has given the organisers a...