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Council Vote: read if you haven’t received your voting link and security details

28 Oct 2016

Are you ready to take part in the voting for the election of four new Council members who will serve the Society for the next three years.     The Society has appointed the Electoral Reform Service to provide an independent and secure...

BSHAA electronic vote for Council members has opened

28 Oct 2016

Voting is underway for the election of four new Council members who will serve the Society for the next three years – and for the first the process is being completed online in advance of the annual general meeting. BSHAA Chief Executive Professor...

Trends in hearing aids, Jason Galster

22 Sep 2016

This is a power point presentation by Jason Galster which contains many links to useful learned articles.   The presentation is mentioned in the October 2016 edition of BSHAA People and looks at Trends in Hearing Aids. Download the presentation...

New society expenses code agreed by Council

31 Aug 2016

Although Council members and others who volunteer to help BSHAA run its affairs give their time, the Society doesn’t expect them to be out of pocket when it comes to travelling and other subsistence costs. Travel and other accommodation costs have...

Council elections: download a nomination form here

24 Aug 2016

In the past the entire election process for BSHAA Council members has been conducted on paper and by snail mail, culminating in a vote in person at the Society’s annual general meeting, in November. Now as part of a series of changes to improve...