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Client Mediation Services

Read more about BSHAA's Mediation Service and Customer Care Scheme.

Our Mediation Team

Members of BSHAA are justifiably proud of the high levels of service they provide...

They are registered health professionals and have to meet the standards of their regulator, the Health and Care Professions Council, as well as BSHAA’s own BSHAA Code of Conduct.

Among other things, this requires each member to act at all times in your best interests by giving hearing advice to improve your quality of life and take every step necessary to satisfy your hearing needs. They will do their utmost to ensure that you are satisfied with the hearing care you get.

If things do go wrong

Every member of BSHAA is signed up to our Mediation Service and will have a clear, responsive procedure in place to deal with your issue. 

If they’re not able to deal with the issue, then you will have access to BSHAA’s own independent client mediation service. In the last three years the scheme has resolved 95% of all the cases it looked into.

How to contact us

If you have reason to be unhappy with the service your hearing aid dispenser has provided, in the first instance speak to them as they will have an established resolution procedure. 

If you have done this and are still unhappy, then you can lodge your issue with us online by filling in the contact form below or calling 0345 646 1851.

By submitting this form, you agree that the BSHAA Client Mediation Service can investigate your complaint. In submitting this form, I consent to the dispenser/company/manufacturer (“service provider”) making available any of my records that BSHAA may require for the purpose of dealing with my complaint and to BSHAA sending a copy of this form and any documents that I submit to the service provider.

All discussion/emails and any other correspondence between BSHAA and the Service Provider will remain confidential.

Mediation Service email:

Client Mediation phone number: 0345 646 1851 or fill in this form below:

Client Mediation Form