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BSHAA development webinars on Thursday 2nd March

BSHAA development webinars on Thursday 2nd March

13 Feb 2017

There are two BSHAA development webinars on the evening of Thursday 2nd March. 1. The cost of unaddressed hearing loss with Dr Shelly Chadha from the World Health Organisation 6pm to 7pm GMT FREE for BSHAA members and non-members Taking...

GPs urged to tackle tinnitus “knowledge gap” and improve the lives of patients

06 Feb 2017

The British Tinnitus Association (BTA) released a new set of guidelines for GPs on 6 February 2017 to help improve the treatment and support provided to tinnitus patients across the UK. Click HERE to read the new guidance. Launched at the...

Plans for new tinnitus networks

22 Dec 2016

In the last couple of years, regional networks of NHS tinnitus clinicians have been formed.  Whilst each of these is organised differently, they all have the aim of providing a community of practice, where skills, information and experience can...

BSHAA Christmas Bulletin

22 Dec 2016

Festive Greetings – on behalf of Council, I extend warm wishes to all our members and supporters for the Christmas holiday and New Year festivities, and look forward to all that 2017 offers.  Can it be a more momentous year than 2016 has been,...

NHS hearing care for Worcestershire saved

24 Nov 2016

Plans by Clinical Commissioning Groups in Worcestershire to stop providing hearing care on the NHS have been abandoned. The Worcestershire CCGs say they reached this decision after further work in recent months and taking into consideration the...