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Hearing and the meaning of life…

26 Apr 2019

Curtis Alcock – founder of the Audira think tank – will be “unravelling a mystery so astonishingly...

Consultation on future of primary care in Scotland

11 Apr 2019

The Scottish Parliament’s health committee is holding an inquiry that is looking at the future of primary care in Scotland, and BSHAA is currently putting together our response to the first stage of...

Role models to be highlighted in Deaf Awareness Week

Role models to be highlighted in Deaf Awareness Week

11 Apr 2019

The 2019 Deaf Awareness Week takes place from 6 to 12 May and is this year celebrating all the amazing deaf role models out...

Collaborative future in the spotlight at joint event

Collaborative future in the spotlight at joint event

10 Apr 2019

The second joint conference from BSHAA, the BAA and BSA took place in Bristol on 25 March, with the heads of all three organistions in attendance. Members from all three professional bodies spent the...

Elouise awarded Daniel Bellinger Memorial Fund for tinnitus research

Elouise awarded Daniel Bellinger Memorial Fund for tinnitus research

19 Mar 2019

A speaker at the 2019 BSHAA Congress has been awarded a £5,000 grant from the Daniel Ballinger Memorial Fund in a unique collaboration between the British Tinnitus Association (BTA) and online...