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Exploding hearing aid batteries warning

10 Mar 2016

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has issued a warning about ZeniPower mercury-free hearing aid batteries...

Practice Management Systems – An Overview

09 Mar 2016

A practice management system is a software program designed to enable multiple aspects of your business to be administered from within one system. Most hearing aid dispensing businesses use multiple systems to keep track of various aspects of the...

Snow doesn’t dampen enthusiasm at BSHAA Development Events

Snow doesn’t dampen enthusiasm at BSHAA Development Events

07 Mar 2016

The Society held its first development event of the year at two locations on March 4th and 5th (2016): Manchester Airport Hilton Hotel and on the Friday and then the following day at the Radisson Blu,...

BSHAA Guidance on Record Keeping

BSHAA Guidance on Record Keeping

04 Mar 2016

How you keep client records is a fundamental part of your professional practice and interpretation of this guidance is up to you. However, BSHAA has set out what it considers to be best advice and our strong recommendation is that you...

AoHL Hearing Matters Report 2015

03 Mar 2016

A new report has been published by Action on Hearing Loss which calls for action across the UK to tackle the growing prevalence and...